AI Learning Independence: Empower Yourself to Master AI

Also: New Perplexity Updates & Custom GPTs for Finance

Have you been waiting for your organization to embrace AI, but the support just isn't there yet? It can be incredibly frustrating when you see the potential for efficiency gains but face organizational hesitation or a lack of resources. But let me tell you: you don't need to wait for company support to begin your AI journey. You can start independently, gain a competitive advantage, and even become a catalyst for AI transformation within your team.

We'll also explore Perplexity's new features, which could revolutionize your research and collaboration. Let's get started!

The AI Blend Workshop: Tailored AI Strategies for Your Team

A reminder that we launched the AI Blend Workshop – your starting point for hands-on AI implementation.

  • 4-hour online, on-demand session

  • For teams of up to 20 people

  • Customized to your business needs

  • Practical, actionable AI strategies

Perfect for professional services firms, finance & admin departments ready to take the next step.

In this newsletter, I share tips for getting started with AI on your own. But as I've always said, leading AI initiatives from the top accelerates results and minimizes risk. The AI Blend Workshop is built with that in mind.

🎉 50% discount for those who book in October!

The Balanced View: How to Start Learning AI Without Company Support

It’s no secret that AI adoption is transforming the finance landscape, creating significant efficiency gains. But what if your company isn't ready to jump on board? Many professionals are in this exact situation: they see the potential for AI to improve their work but face resistance from their organization. Here’s a guide to taking matters into your own hands and getting started on your AI journey.

Step 1: Educate Yourself

Start by laying a solid foundation. Understand the basics of AI and its applications in your job field.

  • Learn Key Concepts: Take the time to understand core AI concepts like machine learning, natural language processing, and automation. There are free resources like Coursera’s “AI for Everyone” and IBM’s “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.”

  • Explore Resources: Online courses, industry-specific webinars, newsletters, and blogs are valuable resources. For finance professionals, focusing on AI's role in areas like forecasting, reporting, and risk analysis is crucial.

  • Join Communities: Learning with others can make the journey easier. Participate in relevant LinkedIn groups, local meetups, or forums to discuss ideas, ask questions, and stay motivated. I'm also partnering with AI Finance Club, and I invite you to join this growing community of finance professionals embracing AI.

Step 2: Identify Quick Wins

Look at your daily work and identify where AI can immediately make an impact.

  • Analyze Your Tasks: Identify repetitive, time-consuming processes that could benefit from automation, such as report drafting, data reconciliation, or financial statement formatting.

  • Spot AI Opportunities: Choose time-consuming and error-prone tasks. These are prime candidates for AI-based automation, such as using ChatGPT for first drafts of policies.

  • Avoid Security Risks: When exploring public AI tools, start with processes that don’t involve confidential information to ensure compliance and avoid risks.

Here’s an example of the matrix you could use to identify the best starting use case. This structured approach will help ensure that you focus on areas where AI can deliver the greatest benefits.

Step 3: Use Accessible Tools

Get hands-on experience with accessible AI tools to gain practical skills.

  • Leverage Free Tools: Tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Perplexity, Google Gemini, and others are excellent starting points for learning AI applications. Use them for tasks like drafting emails, generating ideas, and creating first drafts of documents.

  • Start Small and Scale Gradually: Apply AI to smaller, low-risk tasks first. As you grow more comfortable and demonstrate small wins, gradually expand your usage to more complex tasks.

No Integration Needed: These accessible tools don’t require complex integration, making it easy for you to experiment independently.

Below is an example of a comparison matrix I created for paid versions of public LLMs; you can do the same with the free version, though I recommend using a paid version for business-related tasks.

IMPORTANT: Reassess this matrix whenever you need to make a decision. Features evolve quickly, and what was true last month might be outdated today. It's also worth comparing free and paid versions, as they can significantly differ in functionality and data security. Tools like Perplexity can help you stay up to date with these changes.

Don't limit yourself to a single tool; explore different LLMs, experiment with various features, and stay informed about industry advancements. This approach will help you discover the best options for your needs and ensure you're always ahead of the curve. 

Step 4: Demonstrate Value

Showcasing the benefits of AI is the best way to bring others on board.

  • Track Your Gains: Document the time saved, efficiency improvements, and reduced errors caused by using AI tools.

  • Share Your Success: Present tangible examples of how AI has helped you. Highlight specific achievements—such as completing a task in half the time—that demonstrate the practical benefits of AI adoption.

  • Build Support: Sharing your progress and showcasing your AI wins can spark interest among colleagues and leadership, encouraging broader organizational adoption.

Step 5: Elevate Your Career

Taking charge of your AI learning journey can position you as a leader.

  • Volunteer for AI Projects: Offer to participate in any AI-related projects at your company. This can help you gain experience and show initiative.

  • Educate Colleagues: Share your AI knowledge to foster a supportive environment for AI adoption. As others begin to see the benefits, you’ll become a key resource for innovation.

  • Continue Learning: Stay updated with external courses, seminars, and webinars. The more you grow, the more valuable your insights become, positioning you as the go-to AI expert in your firm.

Starting your AI journey independently might seem daunting, but it’s an incredibly rewarding path. It allows you to proactively learn and apply new skills, positioning yourself as a forward-thinking leader. Remember, true innovation often begins with just one proactive individual—by taking the initiative, you’re enhancing your career prospects and paving the way for broader AI adoption in your organization.

AI Tool of the Week: Perplexity’s Internal Knowledge Search and Spaces

Perplexity just announced two new powerful features—Internal Knowledge Search and Spaces—designed to enhance research capabilities and collaboration.

  • Internal Knowledge Search: This feature allows you to search both internal files and public web content simultaneously, providing a more holistic research experience. Imagine being able to cross-reference internal financial data with the latest industry news without switching platforms. For finance teams, this means more robust due diligence, faster research, and an ability to generate insights that are both comprehensive and contextually rich.

  • Spaces: This AI-powered collaboration hub lets you and your team create dedicated workspaces for specific projects. Whether it’s drafting a client report or brainstorming for a new project, Spaces enables you to collaborate seamlessly, with options to invite colleagues, connect internal files, and even customize the AI assistant for your specific use case.

For professionals, these features offer a new level of control and integration that can transform how your team conducts research, manages information, and collaborates across different tasks. I’ve been using the free version of Perplexity until now, but with these updates, I’m seriously considering getting a paid subscription to fully leverage its capabilities.

Use Cases for Finance Teams:

  • Due Diligence: Search through internal research files and external sources simultaneously for more comprehensive due diligence during acquisitions or partnerships.

  • Team Collaboration: Use Spaces to create shared workspaces for financial reporting projects, allowing team members to contribute insights in real time.

  • Client Proposals: Quickly pull relevant internal data and the latest market insights to draft compelling client proposals or presentations.

Perplexity’s latest features are clearly built with professionals in mind, and I encourage you to explore how these tools can streamline your workflows.

Tip of the Week: Explore Custom GPTs in ChatGPT

Did you know that you can explore ready-made Custom GPTs in ChatGPT that are tailored for different use cases? From data analytics to business planning, these pre-built versions are specifically designed to handle a particular task, helping you get started quickly without needing to build your own.

To get started, open the ChatGPT app and explore the “Custom GPTs” section. You can find versions optimized for financial analysis, report drafting, or even business planning.

Fun fact: there is a ton of “CFO” Custom GPTs. I haven’t tried them. Share the results if you do. 😆 

Closing Thoughts

As AI continues to revolutionize industries across the board, it's important to remember that the journey often starts with individual initiative. By taking the first steps to learn and integrate AI independently, you improve your efficiency and pave the way for broader adoption within your team and organization.

I encourage you to take these lessons forward, explore new tools, and continue building your AI expertise. And if you're looking for a community to support you, remember to join the AI Finance Club for more insights, collaboration, and opportunities to grow.

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Want to dive deeper into balanced AI adoption for your team? Or do you want to hire an AI-powered CFO? Book a consultation! 

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Until next Tuesday, keep balancing!

Anna Tiomina 
CFO & AI Implementaion Expert